Thank you Hollie Böllen!

Hollie Bollen Habitantes de la Baja

Thank you to Hollie Böllen, their team and clients for joining the protection of Baja California’s wildlife by purchasing cause marketing products. All proceeds will go to conserve the nature reserves, which are home to these incredible species. As part of our catalog of cause marketing products, in 2021 we launched a campaign called Habitantes […]

Trail Counter

Áreas naturales protegidas en Baja California

By Vitza Cabrera What is a trail counter? A trail counter is a device that allows us to count the number of persons that use a trail or road.

First Internship Program

Buenas prácticas al aire libre

By Claudia Guzmán In 2021 we launched the Creativity and Resilience Laboratory, our first internship program. This is a unique opportunity in which professionals, experts and creatives develop projects with different approaches in the nature reserves that we protect. For 5 months, the first generation of residents lived in the Punta Mazo Natural Reserve, in […]

Rewriting the Story of the Giant Sea Bass

By Arturo Ramírez, Timothy Rowell, Leticia Cavole, Arturo Hernández, Isaí Domínguez, Antonio Gomez, Edgardo Ochoa, Jhonatan Castro, Tomás Camacho and Jorge Torre The world was very different when we started this research project in March 2017. Social interactions and face masks were only common in hospitals. International news was a colorful mosaic of topics and […]

What Is a Park Ranger?

Guardaparques en las reservas naturales

By Vitza Cabrera A park ranger is the person involved in the protection and preservation of natural, historical or cultural areas, according to the International Federation of Park Rangers. Therefore, a park ranger protects natural resources, and teaches us the importance of the area we visit.

Responsible Tourism Meeting

By Mirna Borrego and Vitza Cabrera Given the growing demand of visitors at the natural areas in San Quintin, together with the Secretariat of Sustainable Economy and Tourism we convened the first meeting for responsible tourism aimed at local and regional tourism service providers. The goal was to provide information on the importance of good […]

An Approach to Ensenada Native Bees

Did you know that there are approximately 500 species of bees in Ensenada? By Diego de Pedro  Ensenada has a high richness bee diversity. This is because it is placed in the California Floristic Province, one of the most bee diverse regions in the world. Unlike honey bees (Apis mellifera), which are originally from Europe […]

The Work of the Forest Brigade

By Charlotte Vizzuett and Antonieta Valenzuela  The Forest Brigade is group of firefighters and park rangers working together to manage and fight wildfires in Baja California. During 2020, 141 wildfires were registered in Baja California, affecting more than 79,000 hectares and 7,717 days per person were dedicated to fighting the fires in the state. In […]

Sixth San Quintin Bay Bird Festival

The sixth edition of the San Quintin Bay Bird Festival was possible thanks to 200 people. This year we launched a virtual and in-person schedule to celebrate migratory shorebirds that come to the bay every year. More than 35,000 migratory shorebirds rest and feed in this natural sanctuary that we protect every day. The pillars […]

10 Benefits of the Natural Protected Areas in San Quintin

San Quintín

By Vitza Cabrera, Mirna Borrego and Antonieta Valenzuela San Quintin is a unique place surrounded by wetlands, dunes, sandy beaches and volcanoes, many of these sites are within protected natural areas, which are spaces of great natural beauty that provide many benefits, such as: Contribute to productive activities Help purify the air we breathe Improve […]